Thirsk churches Ecology Group - Environmental choices

  • Posted on: 6 February 2020
  • By: editor

We believe God loves his creation, as he loves us. So we invite you to think about your impact on the environment and how you can help encourage the biodiversity in our area.
We have listed 26 choices, some of which you may already be doing, some may not apply to you or are impractical for you. However we hope that you will find something to take on
and by doing so will help our planet.

A: Turn down the thermostat by one degree and wear an extra jumper indoors.
B: Use the charity shops for recycling unwanted clothes and buying new ones.
C: Use things more than once eg. Keep to hand a re-usable coffee cup and/or water bottle. Stop buying bottled water.
D: Get a tree planted in your garden or by a charity eg. Woodland Trust or Yorkshire Dales Millenium Trust.
E: Encourage nature in your garden or locality eg. by not mowing grass too short, create a small pond, sow a packet of wild flower seeds, feed the birds, put up a bird box,
create a log pile or bug hotel.
F: Switch to toilet roll and kitchen roll made from recycled paper
G: Adopt an animal on the World Wildlife Fund or similar website.
H: Apply the 30 – wears rule when buying clothing or shoes. Think how much wear you will get out of the item and reconsider the purchase if it will be less than 30 times.
I: Next time you are planning to have a bath have a shower instead to save water. If you shower, make it no longer than five minutes.
Change your shower head to an eco friendly one.
J: Leave the car at home for the day and walk, cycle, take a bus or a train instead.
K: Arrange a car share, with a work colleague or when going to an event, with someone you know.
L: Go vegetarian for one day a week or if you are already a vegetarian, go vegan for a day.
M: Try avoid purchasing anything made of or containing plastic for a week.
N: If you are looking to book a mainland European holiday by flying there, book the train instead.
O: Convert to re-usable shopping bags and keep them with you whenever you go shopping.
P: Use shops where you can buy loose produce and buy as much local produce as possible.
Q: When using a kettle only boil the amount of water that is needed.
R: When printing use both sides of the paper and re-use paper printed on one side as rough paper.
S: Buy LED light bulbs and start replacing the bulbs in your house when a new one is required.Turn off lights when leaving the room.
T: Resist the urge to upgrade your phone for a year. Every new smartphone has an environmental cost.
U: Leave your bedsheets on an extra week. Wear your shirt, blouse or top for more than one day before washing.
V:Try to repair things rather than buying new.
W: Do not leave your appliances on standby it uses electricity.
X: Only run your dishwasher or washing machine when you have a full load. It saves energy and water.
Y: Pick up litter and recycle it. If in doubt about recycling items, put them in the black bin rather than contaminating
the blue one. Our black bin waste is checked for recyclable items at the Allerton waste recovery plant. Batteries can be recycled at several shops.
Z: Use your local milkman and sign up for milk delivered in glass bottles.